Страница Selena Marie-Gomez ВКонтакте

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Selena Marie-Gomez

31 год, Grand Prairie, США

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Grand Prairie







Дата рождения

22 июля 1992

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31 год

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30 декабря 2014 в 12:52

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Список из 289 страниц друзей

Vilinskaya Marisa
Gummer Meryl-Louise
Herkes Alina
Миронова Катя
Котова Виолетта
Леман Ангеліна
Mashtaler Kristina
Пунтова Екатерина
Матва Даша
Тришина Настя
Костюк Пітер
Lepolard Carole
Майданов Анатолий
Ambrosio Alessandra
Girl Vegas
Cyrus Miley
Ramos Nathalia
Кулябина Рина
Jenner Kendall
Chilyakova Iluza
Черкас Макс
Ярмак Эльвира
De-La-Garza Dianna
Pérezz Melania
Jonas Joe
Kenahanova Karla
Океанова Влада
Jonas Nick
Gomez Selena
Гомез Селена
Черкашина Даша
Жуковская Лена
Morozova Marina
Яшина Диана
Добрякова София
Gomez Radian-Marie
Sweet Tahoora
Bieber Justin
Coleman Zendaya
Sharbino Saxon
Галямов Артур
Thorne Bella
Рентюк Вікторія
Бланко Виолетта
Cornett Mandy
Хадиева Эльвира
Mendler Bridgit
Матвеев Дима
Franco James
Самерс Злата
Маяковская Дарья
Кравченко Юлия
Banks Tyra
Лесова Нургуля
Король Аня
Воронова Дария
Witkowski Selenakamilgomez
Сергеева Оля
Васильев Алексей
Utebaeva Adelmira
Арбузова Дарья
Tisdale Ashley
Dobrev Nina
Bray Ian
曹 曦
Стрелкова Юлия
Сокол Семён
Холод Василиса
Оразбек Зере
Король Джульетта
Нахрачева Наталья
Кемпель Алина
Stossel Martina
Cornett Brian-Teefey
Лебеда Катерина
Лихачев Александр
Kunicyn Andrey
Lovato Demetria
Любимова Кристина
Teefey Amanda-Dawn
Тарвер Диана
Moretz Selena
Delevingne Cara-Jocelyn
Крылов Елисей
Stoessel Martina
Rubanka Tanyuska
Safronova Alya
Меньшикова Владислава
Ли Анна
Студенцова Валерия
Колотвина Полина
Hudgens Vanessa
Dawn-Justice Victoria
Austin Selena
Ryan Debby
Mendler-Official Bridget
Beckham David
Миронова Инна
Grande Ariana
Белоусов Кирилл
Вишневская Анастасия
Орлова Диана
Akhtar Haroon
Комашева Настя
Газиев Хусейн
Gillis Elizabeth
Никитин Дима
Coleman Zendaya
Molfese Candelaria
Unicorn Barbara
Панагушина Маша
Картавенко Настя
Song Real-Brenda
Swift Taylor-Alison
Cyrus Miley-Ray
Миллер Ариана
Bieber-Really Justin
Лебедева Тина
Bieber Justin
Романова Александра
Чернов Настя
Sprouse Cole-Mitchell
Cyrus Miley
Корж Настя
Lime Jony
Bisono Carlos
Задорожный Андрей
Grande Ariana
Кринта Белла
Карелина Элла
Russo Alex
Lovato Demi
Bieber Jazmyn
Daddario Alexandra
Cyrus Miley
Kamble Sushant
Браун Миша
Levesque Joanna
Stewart Bella
Thorne Bella
Moretz Chloe
Семеген Христя
Ryan Debby
Абсадык Эльвира
Артина Аля
Swift Taylor
Polosky Lizzie
Bieber Jaxon
Bernstein Danielle-Elliot-Phoebe
Mamahov Azat
Токаева Сауле
Coleman Zendaya
Гурдский Никита
Bieber Justin
Рей Рита
Ахматшина Кристина
Гомес Селена
Bieber Justin
Styles Gemma
Менухин Ольга
Edwards Perrie
Рева Єлизавета
Gomez Selena
Stewart Kristen
Оразалиева Фатима
Martin Angella
Milisend Aila
Benson Ashley
Blumore Sofia
Gomez Becky
Thirlwall Jade
Петрова Марина
Дель-Кастильо Саманта-И-Вилли
Cyrus Miley-Ray
Lovato Demetria
Stoessel Martina
Большакова Анна
Lovato Demi
Кастильо Виолетта
Полякова Наталья
Mendler Bridgit
Монеткина Ангелина
Миронов Ярослав
Артемьева Лера
Cedillo Vicky
Dosmail Erzhan
Селявсинова Алтынай
Cleveland Davis
Bieber Jazmyn
Dobrev Nina
Stoessel Martina
Котова Таня
Sherman Ayla
Gomez Selenawinner
Drew Gladysse
Edwards Perrie
Никитина Анастасия
Teefey Gracie
Kundebai Aizhan
Bieber Justin
Гилберт Елена
Mahone Austin
Миллер Настя
Selenators-Forever Selenators-Forever
Boscarino Samantha-Joann
Kuanishbekova Elaman
Герасимюк Иванна
Cosme Jay
Besataeva Bota
Вихрова София
Мухина Диана
Girl Sweet
Montana Amber
Deleon Priscilla
Zamudio Stephani
Lovato Demetria
Malik Zayn
Nicholas-Branson Richard-Charles
Curus Miley
Дубова Дарья
Spangler Helen
Ferreira Laris
Ramirez Julieta
Lovato Demi
Ackles Jensen
Osment Emily
Bieber Justin
Bieber Justin
Нюша Нюша
Азамадов Азамад
Антонов Илья
Шыныбеков Данабек
Hudgens Vanessa
Gomez Selena
Bieber Justin
Hunt Martha
Styles Harry
Cutkelvin Shereen
Денисова Юлия
Skipper Feres
Shaw Rayann
Bailey Howard
Sagynbayeva Akerke
Гаврилов Никита
Comello-Lodo Lodovika
Cornish Jessie
Quliyeva Ulviyye
Солдатенко Саша
Gomez Selena
Edwards Perrie
Hard Robert
Maria Anca
Кузнецова Валерия
Wayne Lil
Murgatroyd Peta
Jackson Princess
Suleyman Amani
Cyrus Miley
Coleman Zendaya
Blumore Sofh
Шишкова Аня
Judicael Noah
Кенжегулова Томирис
Bizzle Kelley
Osama Mostafa
Lovato Demi
Женисбай Ажара

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What do you do after striking gold with your first solo album, wrapping your third season starring in a hit series and earning raves for your movie debut? If you're Selena Gomez, you dance. At least, you get the world on its feet with "A Year Without Rain." A follow-up to "Kiss & Tell," Selena’s gold-certified Hollywood Records debut CD, "A Year Without Rain" shows Selena and her band, The Scene, in a whole new light, this one pulsating, multicolored and ready for the mirrored ball. "I really wanted something that felt good to perform, but had a techno/dance vibe," Selena says. "I wanted something that had meaning and melody, and more empowering lyrics." That’s exactly what she delivers in "A Year Without Rain." Working with top producer/songwriters like Tim James & Antonina Armato, Kevin Rudolf, Toby Gad and Jonas Jeberg, Selena kept to a more quickened tempo, exploring themes of love, freedom and the joy of living for the moment. Selena credits the album’s neo-techno leanings to her 2010 platinum-certified single, ‘Naturally," which pointed the way for her. That track "really helped me figure out where I want to be," she says. "There’s a feeling when I perform that song that I love, so when I was going back in the studio, I had a better understanding of where I wanted to be musically." She gets right to it with the opening track, "Round & Round," an upbeat synth-driven song about reaching the limits of indecision in love. The plaintive "A Year Without Rain" may be more subdued, but its beauty impressed Selena enough to make it the title track. "When I got the song, I went through the roof," she recalls. "Everybody has that one person they can’t live without. It was exactly what I wanted to say." That goes double for the Spanish version of the song, Selena’s first recording in that language.  Having turned 18 this year, Selena has matured since making her professional debut at age 7, but girls still wanna have fun, which is what songs like "Spotlight" "Off the Chain" and "Summer’s Not Hot" are all about. "Rock God" features none other than Katy Perry on backing vocals, while "Intuition" boasts a duet between Selena and rapper Eric Bellinger in a tricked-out double-time salute to a positive attitude. Selena slows things down on "Ghost of You," a ravishing ballad about a breakup so rough, no amount of "living crazy loud" can crush the memory. "It’s very beautiful, very raw," Selena says of the song. "Shelly Peiken co-wrote it. She knows me, knows about everything I go through, and knows how to express it in a beautiful way." On the flip side, Selena comes back strong with "Sick of You," a Matt Squire-written and produced track about losing a loser ("You know fairy tales don’t come true/ Not when it comes to you"). The album ends with "Live Like There’s No Tomorrow," an epic power ballad expressing the creed by which Selena has built her life and career. A Dallas native, Selena Gomez started acting at age seven when she landed a role in the popular television series "Barney & Friends," on which was a regular for two seasons. She landed her first film role in the 2003 sci-fi action adventure film "Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over." She made her mark as an actress playing girl wizard Alex Russo in the hit Disney Channel series "Wizards of Waverly Place," which premiered in 2007 and has now completed three seasons. Selena and her cast mates won a 2009 Emmy Award for Outstanding Childredn’s Program.  Selena then made an indelible impression with her starring role in 2010 comedy "Ramona and Beezus." Says Selena, "I wanted something completely different from my show. All these incredi

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