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Vincenzo Corsaro

Belpasso, Италия
Мой статус: "Only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, really change it"

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I.T.C. G. Russo, 2005 – 2010


Università degli Studi di Catania
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza

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Любимые цитаты

"Only those foolish enough to think that we can change the world, it really change it.."
(Albert Einstein)

"This film dedicated to the insane, the conformists, the rebels, the troublemakers, to all those who see things differently. They do not like the rules, especially regulations, and have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, to be disagree with them, glorify or vilify you, but the only thing that you can never do is ignore them because they change things, because they make humanity progress. And while some might call them crazy, we see in them the genius. Because only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, really change it "
#stayhungry #stayfoolish
Link 1: http://ow.ly/gMTq302lK2W
Link 2: http://bit.ly/29SO6FC
(Apple - "Think Different")

"The dream must to be the engine that drives us to get out of the routine and that forces us to pick us up what we want .... without second thoughts."
(Vincenzo Corsaro)

"Without imagination (and without a hint of madness) no one would chase their dreams."
(Vincenzo Corsaro)

"The only disability that conditioning you can really it's just a lack of willpower."
(Vincenzo Corsaro)

"Dreams are always shape the world"
(Luciano Ligabue)

"It takes courage to be happy".
(Karen Blixen)

"And when I think it's over is then that begins the climb, that fantastic story is the life".
(Antonello Venditti)

"I have not failed 2,000 times in making a light bulb, I just found 1999 ways on how a light bulb" should not be made.
(Thomas Alva Edison)

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow
learn as if you were to live forever "
(Mahatma Gandhi)

"I think that curiosity is the only thing we need in life. If you are curious you will find your passion. And the results that you will have, will be the result of how much put passion in your life."
(Alex Zanardi)

"Your time is limited, do not waste it living someone else's life, keep looking - in the affections as in the work - something to really worthwhile to love, have the courage to follow what you have inside and let yourself be guided by 'intuition, because the only way to do a good job, is to love what you do. "
(Steve Jobs)

"Never stop being hungry, you never stop being fools"
stayhungry stayfoolish.
(Steve Jobs)

"If you teach the beauty of the people, this will be a weapon against the resignation, fear and silence.
The sudden birth of horrendous palaces, the result of speculative transactions We get used too easily, you put curtains on the windows, the plants on the windowsill, and soon we forget as were those places before, It looks like it's always been that way, and it seems that must to be in this way to always, this is why we should educate people to the beauty: because in men and women they do not spread the habit and resignation but will always remain alive the curiosity and amazement."
(Peppino Impastato)

Do not fall in love of a woman reading, of a woman who feels too, of a woman who writes ...
Do not fall in love with a woman caught, sorceress, delusional, crazy.
Do not fall in love with a woman who thinks and knows that he knows and that, moreover, is able to fly, to a woman who has faith in itself.
Do not fall in love with a woman who laughs or cries while making love, which knows how to transform his spirit in flesh and, even more, of a woman who loves poetry (they are the most dangerous), or a woman who remain half an hour in front of a painting or who can not live without music.
Do not fall in love with an intense, playful woman, lucid, rebellious, irreverent.
That will never happen to fall in love with such a woman.
Because when you fall in love a woman like that, it s

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