Страница Living Dead-Lights ВКонтакте

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Living Dead-Lights

Los Angeles, США

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Trigger Trigger
Зуйкова Екатерина
Скоробагатько Роман
Кибец Евгений
Андреев Максим
Зорин Александр
Петухов Артём
Savchuk Andrey
Бебко Валерий
Сошин Артур
Крестьянинов Иван
Хайертдинова Эльвира
Хряпин Виталий
Graza Antonia
Шумский Александр
Неверов Олег
Гейслер Таня
Вариводский Алексей
Валуев Алексей
Батищев Константин
Сенько Дмитрий
Третьякова Алеся
Радченко Игорь
Пуздряк Станислав
Pertsovych Taras
Супоня Диана
Rock Konstantin
Наумов Евгений
Зелинский Максим
Литвиненко Роман
Спесивцев Павел
Го Костя
Span Codename
Луна Наташа
Saint Saint
Сенаторов Андрей
Чичиян Карина
Фафанов Андрей
Lan Liya
Храмцов Нікіта
Романова Вероника
Ism Ironstillmusic
Goto Yusuke
Лазареску Илья
Metal band Cydia
Band Brandnewme
Jackson Женя
Пащенко Юлия
Smith Jason
Inside Sol
Vale Spirit
Плотникова Анна
Element Cold
O'hare Alex
Of-Heroes Avenue
Гармаш Артем
Корченко Біляна
Band Stigmergy
Radio Gothic
Scar My-Favorite
Krishnan Alya
Музичний-Гурт Ріплей
Кравчук Ирина
Shredinluc Chuck
Rival Danny
Steam Harsh
Skjervheim Nils-Petter
Ratajczak Kevin
Biesler Sebastian
Ledbetter Craig
Κузьмин Μихаил

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Deep inside America’s undercurrents,you’re likely to find the music of Living Dead Lights fixating on the pulse of a rising generation. When this multi-cultural group joined forces, the result was purely, raw and dangerous. Beneath the music lies the unapologetic struggle of four artists grappling with the challenges of modern day life. Each gritty, guitar driven song has captured the imagination of thousands of disaffected youths across the globe, and there appears to be no stopping them. Living Dead Lights have demonstrated a hedonistic rebelliousness that critics say recall Guns N' Roses, Avenged Sevenfold & Rise Against They are a colossal success online with 230,000 plus fans who have generated over 10 million plays on their music! Once stricken with poverty, homelessness and addiction, these social outcasts reveled in the one thing they actually gave a shit about, That’s creating everything that good rock n' roll should be. Yes the Lyrics are raw, sensitive and real. And they express frustrations over the confused state of the world. But they bring a regenerated edge and urgency back to music. The band has accepted no boundaries. Thunderous, stirring, melodramatic, always compelling, they have chosen to follow the seductive path of their instinct while preserving the vital spark of individuality that sets them apart. When listening to their music, there is very little to figure out Living Dead Lights are the true voice of their generation! "THE COOLEST THING TO HIT A STAGE IN THE PAST 10 YEARS...” “THEIR SINGLE “WHAT DO YOU DO?” IS A GUARANTEED MEGA-HIT" ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE "THE FUTURE OF PUNK ROCK" Eddy Schreyer mastering engineer legend "A RELENTLESS JOURNEY THROUGH DANGER, EXCESS & CHAOS" DJ Niki Sexton from 100.1 The Edge In Southern CA. Their new EP was recorded in a collaboration of efforts by: Bradley Cook (Foo Fighters,Tool) Fred Archambault (Avenged Sevenfold,Deftones) Eddy Schreyer (Jane's Addiction,Korn)

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