Страница Selena Gomez ВКонтакте

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Selena Gomez

31 год, Los Angeles, США

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Los Angeles







Дата рождения

22 июля 1992

Полных лет

31 год

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Была онлайн ВКонтакте

13 декабря 2011 в 16:11

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The American actress of cinema and scoring, the comedian, the singer, the author of songs, the drummer and the goodwill ambassador of UNICEF

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Пару слов о себе

I was born on July, 22nd, 1992 in Grand-Prejri the State of Texas, the USA in a family of Mendi Kornett and Rikardo Gomesa. My father - the Latin American, and mother has an italo-English origin. I have received the name in honor of popular in those of year of singer Seleny. When I was 5 years old, parents have divorced. Mother, the theatrical actress, one brought up me and has inspired me the example on a choice of artistic activity. In 2006 my mother Mendi has married Bryan Tifi. In May, 2010 I have received the diploma about the ended secondary education in-home.

Любимая музыка

Paramore, Forever the Sickest Kids

Любимые цитаты

«I never was one of those girls which try to imitate another and to be on them similar outwardly. I think, you will look better, if is away from weights»

«I am going to be in group, instead of to be got mixed up round myself. And I don't want to be the solo actor. Basically I want to do cheerful music under which will have fun both children, and parents. Easier to have a good time»

«Be itself, there is nobody better!»

«I really don't like to dress up. Some people possibly think that if you the actress, means should dress up. I almost always go in jeans»

«I have told once:„ the Father, I want a cleanliness ring “. It has gone to church and has received blessing. He thinks that I can set young men an example. I am going to constrain my promise, I want to be fair before myself, my family and God»

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